December Unanima Newsletter
As COP28 begins it is important to know that we are represented there by UNANIMA.
COP28 Advocacy Statement – UNANIMA International
COP28 Policy Statement – UNANIMA International
Please pray for the success of COP28 as the life of our planet is at stake:
Prayer for the COP28 climate summit
God of blessings,
the universe sings of your glory.
Deepen our gratitude for all you have made
and awaken in us a renewed commitment
to care for the earth and each other.
Inspire world leaders at COP28,
with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change
and with courage to act urgently and wisely,
so that our common home may be healed and restored
and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it.
Unanima International Video:
The Intersection of Family Homelessness and Human Trafficking
Founded in 2002, UNANIMA International is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) committed to the Charter of the United Nations, for economic and social advancement of all people. The Ursuline Sisters are proud to be a member of Unanima International. For more information, go to their website by clicking here.
We invite you to learn more by watching this video:
Presently UNANIMA is a coalition of 21 congregations of women religious and their partners in mission present on all continents.
UNANIMA acts together to:
bring members’ expertise to the UN
collaborate with other NGOs
educate members about activities and programs of the UN
assist members in collaborating with UN work in home countries
The areas of concern are:
Women and children especially the economic poor (with a focus on trafficking)
Immigrants and refugees
The welfare of the planet