By way of furthering the thrust of our International Institute,
in September of 2021, our General Council and all the Provincials
from around the world, gathered virtually with the theme:
All is Interconnected — Life and Mission from the Perspective of Integral Ecology.
At our General Chapter in the Fall of 2019, the Ursuline Sisters world-wide heard God calling us to:
Choose new life
Be Ursulines journeying together as a global body
Be joyful and faithful witnesses of the presence of the One who loves us, the Risen Christ
Be women who embrace our own vulnerability
Be consistent in transforming our systems at every level
Be intentional to assume our personal and corporate responsibility to care for our common home
Be artisans of change through meaningful connections with people and all of creation
After sensing our global reality and fired by God’s call, we commit to engage together on a journey that will release new life in us, and, through us, in the world in which we live. Throughout this journey, God will be with us, as always.
This journey of new life in these next 8 years will lead us to a different future. Our new life as a global community will unfold in an organic way in response to God’s calls, enabling us to meet the emerging needs in the Church and the world.