Parkland Statement
The Roman Union Ursuline Sisters in the United States are united in prayer for those in Parkland Florida – the victims, their families and the countless others whose sense of safety and security have been shattered.
We stand with all those, especially the young people, who are crying out that prayer alone is not enough – We must do something. Now is an acceptable time to act – to be the change we wish to see in the world. This is what our Chapter mission statement challenges us to be.
As Ursulines we commit ourselves to nonviolence and peacemaking. This is the acceptable time to speak and act for reasonable gun control and support services to identify and address the real needs of those who suffer from emotional, psychological and mental challenges.
As our commitment to young people, the future of our nation, we too will raise our voice to speak out against any legislation, the gun lobby, industry and organization that perpetuate a culture of hate and violence. We stand in solidarity with all who have the courage to speak out and act for the common good of our nation.
St. Angela, our foundress, urges us to seek peace and harmony wherever we are. Like countless others who stand in the Christian tradition, we affirm the centrality of active nonviolence to the vision and message of Jesus, to our vibrant tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and to our vocation of being healers and reconcilers for our earth and its people.
February 19, 2018